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Guangzhou to Yiwu——Ways and Distance

How far is Guangdong from Yiwu?

Guangdong and Yiwu are located in different provinces of China and are separated by a considerable distance. The distance between Guangdong and Yiwu is approximately 1,150 kilometers (714 miles) by road. The travel time by car or bus can vary depending on the specific route taken, traffic conditions, and other factors. It usually takes around 14-15 hours to travel from Guangdong to Yiwu by road. There are also other transportation options such as trains and flights available between the two cities, which may have different travel times and costs.

Guangzhou to Yiwu by Flight

It is possible to travel from Guangzhou to Yiwu by flight. The nearest airport to Yiwu is Yiwu Airport (YIW), which has direct flights from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport (CAN). The flight duration is usually around 2 hours, depending on the airline and specific flight schedule.

There are several airlines that operate flights between Guangzhou and Yiwu, including China Southern Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, and Shenzhen Airlines. It is recommended to check with the airline for the most up-to-date flight schedules and ticket prices. Additionally, it is advisable to book tickets in advance to ensure availability and to potentially save money on the cost of the flight.

Guangzhou to Yiwu by Train

It is also possible to travel from Guangzhou to Yiwu by train. There are several high-speed trains that operate between Guangzhou South Railway Station and Yiwu Railway Station.

The travel time by train can vary depending on the specific train and route taken, but it usually takes around 5-6 hours. It is recommended to book train tickets in advance, as they can sell out quickly, especially during peak travel seasons.

There are several train options available, including high-speed railway and bullet trains, which are the fastest and most comfortable. These trains offer amenities such as air conditioning, comfortable seating, and food service. The cost of train tickets can vary depending on the class of travel and specific train chosen, but they are generally more affordable than air travel.

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